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Day 360

Hour Glass

Day 360: Holy moly! We only have six days left of 2019! Six!

One of the many lessons I learned during this year-long experiment, is how aware I became of time marching on. Titling each post with its day of the year made me ACUTELY aware of where I was in the much of it had much of it remained. It was a year I will only live once. It was a year you will only live once.

It is telling, how we talk about time, don’t you think? It marches on. It flies. It drags. We waste it. We kill it. Yet, time’s seconds tick along at the same pace, no matter what we do to them. No matter what we do with them. Time is precious. Valuable. We spend it. We save it. But we cannot save it for long. It won’t be kept. As the minutes tick tock by, my hope is that the majority of my seconds are time well spent.

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