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Day 36

Day 36: It’s Mullday in my TowelWorld today, and I’ve been mulling. I’ve decided that February must be about love in its many forms and the ways it affects our lives, because my mom was BIG on love. So it might seem weird that this week will be about The No. Do I have a love for NO? No. But, NO has taught me some important lessons, and has much to do with love.

Today, I’m thinking about the NO we sometimes get as an answer to a prayer, specifically when praying for the life of a loved one, and even more specifically, I’m thinking about two heavenly little boys. The first is my grandson, William, who only spent 90 minutes in his Mom and Dad’s arms before he joined our loved ones in heaven. Last week they hit the 6-month mark of his birth/death. From the moment of his anencephaly diagnosis to the moment we said goodbye, there were constant prayers spoken, imploring the Lord to spare him, and to spare his parents the grief of such a severe separation from their son.

The second little boy is named River. He died just short of his third birthday. His pediatric leukemia diagnosis shook the very core of his family, and for a terrifying month, all who knew that little boy prayed with all fervor that he would live.

In both cases, the answer to those prayers was NO. We mortals spend our whole lives trying to make sense of death, but only the Lord knows why the answer had to be NO. In all my mulling over reasons, the only thing I know to do, is love. I can’t give a good reason. I can’t ease the heartache or fill the void. I can’t take away the grief. I can only love. I can love those little boys. I can love their parents and their siblings, and I can love Heavenly Father for sending them here in the first place. Do I love hearing NO? No. Loving others? That, I can do. #MomsCompanyTowels #TheNo #WilliamTheron #RememberingRiver

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