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Day 356

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

Christmas Star

Day 356: The drummer boy played a song. The shepherds walked all the way into town. The magi loaded their camels in the middle of the night. I bet the innkeeper felt lousy, and took a blanket or two to the woman having a baby in his stable. All these were last-minute gifts. Have you run out of time for shopping? The best last-minute gifts won't be found at the corner drugstore, anyway. The best gifts are actions, and you already have an endless supply of those.

Here's a last-minute list of helpful suggestions for making the season bright (and right): Write a note/letter/email/text and tell the person how you feel about them. We think they know. They don't. We think we don't need to spell it out. We do.

Knock on the door of the person who moved in down the block. Last summer. You know, the neighbor you haven't met yet? Introduce yourself.

Send this text to the person who glances away when they see you coming: "I see you. And what I see is MARVELOUS!" Don't forget the Winky Face.

Find the person in your home who needs a hug. There's always at least one. Hug them. Like you mean it. If you're the only one home, and you're the one who needs the hug, call the person who would never turn you down, and ask for a hug. I bet their Christmas shopping isn't done, either.

Listen to someone who needs to talk. Visit with someone who feels alone. Reminisce with someone who is missing another.

Don't let the moment slip away, just because you don't have the Toy of the Year to offer them. You'll never have these moments in this season, again. Gather up your spare sweaters and find somebody who is cold. Take your overflowing office treats to the friend who works at home. Share your lunch. Invite someone to dinner. Shovel a walk. Grab the moment. Grab the season.

Christ gave us the grandest of gifts by condescending to earth in the humblest of circumstances to become our Savior. He is the ultimate gift giver. I imagine He is happiest when we celebrate His birthday by also giving gifts.

However, He didn't run frantically through the Bedouin Bazaar, snatching up the trinkets from the half-price kiosks. He gave us His Best. He gave us Him.

If we take a cue from His mortal ministry, we'll give the gifts He gave. We will listen to the heavy-hearted, shore up the weak, gladden sad hearts, comfort the weary, and mourn with those who mourn. We will show love to those who think they don't deserve it. Give attention to those who feel forgotten. We'll express our appreciation to those who feel worthless. We are His cherished family members. He gave His life for us. He listens. He blesses. He guides. He comforts. And what did He ask?

Love one another, as I have loved you.

That is all He wants for His birthday. I hope it tops your last-minute list. I hope as you reach out with your last-minute gifts, you feel His perfect love for you. Merry Christmas! #LightTheWorld #WeAreHis #LastMinuteGifts

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