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Day 347

Christmas tree made with old bits of jewelry

Day 347: My Grandma Vernie was crafting before crafting was cool. Mom followed in her footsteps. When my Aunt Mardi came to visit from California, these three ladies would always have at least one craft project to complete during the visit, and one of those projects is something I’m planning to do this coming year with our grown kids.

When Grandma Vernie lost an earring, she saved the other one. She saved it all. And then she made these Christmas trees with Mom and Aunt Mardi. It’s totally gaudy, but I love it so much! I can pick out jewelry I remember Grandma wearing, and my mom wearing, and it sparks so many memories!

Whether they want one or not, I’ve been saving my broken necklaces and odd earrings, and we are going to craft these for next Christmas. It simply must be done.

Now, where did I put that mood ring?

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