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Day 346

Grandma's Bridge Club Bracelet

Day 346: My Grandma Vernie was a well-dressed woman. I always thought she looked smashing. Was it because they owned a store? I don’t know. I wish I would have asked her where her sense of style came from. My sister inherited her style; both women are the epitome of class to me.

Grandma’s Christmas decorations were elegant, too. I remember her and Mom making ornaments from little mirrors they placed behind the lights on the tree to make them doubly shine.

Grandma belonged to a bridge club. Every time it was her turn to host, we went to Shelley to help her polish and shine the house. Grandma had this really chunky bracelet she wore every time. She said it made a nice sound as she moved her hands at the table. “It’s the little touches” she would say. She knew when it was enough, and when it was too much. She could pull it off. Like I said. Class.

Could I get away with a bracelet like that while playing games with my family? I’ll try it out over Christmas and let you know.

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