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Day 34

Day 34: Today would be my darling mother’s 91st birthday. Isn’t she cute? I can see why my dad fell helplessly in love at first sight. The funny thing about age, is that it’s actually more our mindset.

My mom brought me into the world when she was 38 years old, yet when I got old enough to ask her how old she was on each birthday, she always said “39.” I swear my mom was 39 until she was really 50, and I finally got wise to the fact that she hadn’t been 39 since I was a one-year-old. What a trickster!

She probably isn’t happy that I’m announcing it’s her 91st birthday. In fact, she’d probably assert that since she died at 69, her age should be frozen in time at 69.

I often wonder, if she’d known she only had 30 years left, would she have “owned” her age? Maybe. Maybe not. What I do know for sure, is this: she lived those years so successfully, she left behind a mountain of memories and a crater-size hollow in the hearts of the people who loved her.

Happy 39th birthday, Mom. I love you to the heavens and back. Ask Dad to give you a hug from me. #MomsCompanyTowels #measureofalife #perpetually39 #angelmom

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