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Day 337

You are a million facets of incredible and disgusting. A million facets of light and dark. A million facets of courage and fear. Doubt and bravado. Ordinary and extraordinary. Failure and success. The ruts and routes of your journey on earth are as individual and infinite as the stars in the firmament. Let yours shine. Recall the past. Then let it shape your future.

Day 337: December is upon us. The last month of the year. For me, December means redefinition. What do we want the last four weeks of the year to contain? Celebration? Sure. Worship? Most definitely. But there needs to be a review of the past to gear up for the new year, too. It’s time for some redefinition.

Redefining does not mean categorizing, or sorting ourselves. I don’t like answering sorting questions. I end up marking “OTHER” a lot. Are you worthy? Um, I try to be? Good mother? Gonna have to ask my children. Good daughter? Too late to find out, unless you have a way of summoning the heavenly realms. I may not be good at answering sorting questions, but I know how to review a year and redefine myself going forward. I go with my gut.

What does my gut say about the last year? Grateful to feel like David is the other half of me. Grateful I have millions of memories of my parents. Grateful I can wrap my arms around my children and my grandchildren. Grateful I can kneel down and pray and feel I’m being heard. Grateful to be employed. Grateful for my health. Grateful for my sight. Grateful to have shelter over my head. Grateful for my loved ones in Heaven. Grateful for the journey.

See? That wasn’t so hard. What are you grateful for? What do you want to change?

You are a million facets of incredible and disgusting. A million facets of light and dark. A million facets of courage and fear. Doubt and bravado. Ordinary and extraordinary. Failure and success. The ruts and routes of your journey on earth are as individual and infinite as the stars in the firmament. Let yours shine. Recall the past. Then let it shape your future.

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