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Day 335

People don't belong on pedestals. They tend to wobble.

Day 335: “You will need to cut everyone some slack, except Jesus. You can’t deem someone your hero and then feel disappointed when it turns out they’re only human. People make mistakes. They don’t belong on pedestals. They tend to wobble.”

Mom said this to me countless times, during conversations about personal situations, or when someone famous I admired did something ridiculous, or when an author I admired wrote something that knocked them off the pedestal I’d built for them in my head. I wasn’t really into hero worship, but if I held someone in high esteem, it was a little heartbreaking when they let me down. Mom pointed out that it wasn’t fair of me. That the only person I could hold accountable was myself, and that I would eventually let myself down, too. Then she explained repentance and forgiveness and the inevitability of their necessity on this earthly journey.

Heaven Note: Mom, to be clear, talking about you for a year is not the same thing as putting you on a pedestal. Everyone knows you weren’t a perfect human - but you were an awesome mom with sound advice.

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