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Day 328

Mom's secret weapon: jigsaw puzzles are family magnets

Day 328: The Saturday after Thanksgiving is traditionally Leftovers, Puzzles, and Games Day at our house. Everyone is ready for another helping of stuffing, or turkey and cranberry sauce on a roll. Thanksgiving leftovers are officially the best leftovers, don’t you think?

When I was living at home, it was just Mom and Dad and me. My siblings would pop in and out through the holiday, and Mom would try to get us to play games, but the sibs rarely stayed long enough to play a game. So, instead, she started setting up a puzzle. Then, my siblings would linger at the dining room table to find a piece of the puzzle, and end up sitting down to look for another. Like I’ve said before, Mom was tricky.

Our family loves to play games when we get together. I don’t need to lure them in with a puzzle, but I really love puzzles, so I set one up anyway, and the same thing happens. People sit. And visit. And laugh. Mom knew what she was doing. Puzzles are family magnets.

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