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Day 318

Lesson Learned: There is no such thing as an "Easy Plumbing Repair" in a 120-year-old house.

Day 318: When we bought this house 24 years ago, my mom said “How exciting! A pioneer home! You know, it wouldn’t have had plumbing, and maybe not even electricity when it was built. Homes like that have built-in appreciation for the nicer things in life.” I try to remember that when a pipe begins to leak.

The term “a simple plumbing repair” should not be uttered if I live in a 120-year-old house which wasn’t retrofitted to include indoor plumbing or electricity until years later, because the pipes will hear me and go about reminding me to be grateful for the nicer things in life.

I found out that there are YouTube videos that make repairs look easy, but the YouTube plumbers have never encountered this house. Next time, I’ll skip straight to calling the licensed professional, and be grateful for the nicer things, like indoor plumbing.

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