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Day 317

The Page Will Turn. Get to the end of your book. Please don't snap it shut early. There is a happily ever after on those last pages, ad it's written there especially for you.

Day 317: My mother taught me to look at life as a journey; a once-in-a-lifetime trip of wonders, but the bookish girl in me tends to look at life like a book. We have chapters in our lives, and a storyline, and adventures and quests and dilemmas and love and intrigue. All of us are living our own epic saga.

All of that is easy to say in theory, but as we turn the page of each day, it doesn't always feel like a grand book of memorable moments with which to behold. Some pages feel futile. Discouraging. Heartbreaking. To this, I say to myself, and to you, too, “The page will turn.” A new chapter will eventually begin. It may not be a better chapter. It may be worse. If it is, at least I know the page will turn again. And with the next chapter, there may be joy.

These pages flutter forward and one day we will come to the last page. A happily ever after for us all, because we will return to our Maker full of stories and experiences from our grand trip to earth. Of course, He already knows, because He was with us as each of those pages turned.

If you are on a good page, enjoy the story. Live in the moment. Witness the happiness. Soak up the cheer. Look for those moments of joy Heavenly Father wrote into your story.

If you are on a bad page, hang on until the page turns again. Pray for strength. Read between the lines. Lean on someone to help you turn the page when it’s too tough to do alone. Lean on me. Look for the moments of comfort and relief and guidance the Lord wrote upon your pages.

For you who would think of closing your book early, please think about the upcoming chapters. It may be a few chapters ahead, but there will be relief. The pages will turn, and you will move forward, and there will be reasons to feel joy.

Get to the end of your book. Keep turning your pages. Don’t snap it shut early, because there is a happily ever after on those last pages, and it was written especially for you.

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