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Day 315

Snow in streetlight

Day 315: It’s lightly snowing this morning, the first snow of the season, and it feels like a sign to me.

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying “The only constant is change.” This is the last of my ruminations for this Rumination Week.

In the last few months, I have been overtaken with the need to make use of my every moment, not to waste my time, and instead to make the most of it. Yet, it’s more than that.

I have this feeling that change is ahead, like the first snowflakes of a storm are swirling in the air. I’m hyper-aware of the moments that make up our time and how fleeting they are. They pass in a blink, and they are gone. Do you ever feel like you are white-water rafting through life? The river rages and tosses you to and fro and there’s so much happening on the raft, you don’t even see the riverbank as you pass?

It’s in this idea I've dwelt. I’m trying to see the moments as they whoosh by. I’m trying to drag my hand deep beneath the roiling surface of my days to the undercurrent in this river of life to feel the moments as they flow through my fingers.

Because change is always exactly one blink away, or one snowflake away, and I cannot anticipate if it will be a change for better or worse, I need to acknowledge and appreciate the moment I’m in, so I’m watching it snow in the early darkness by the light of the streetlight, knowing more change is ahead. I feel it in the air. #momscompanytowels #theonlyconstantischange #changeisintheair❄️

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