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Day 314

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. Erma Bombeck

Day 314: Today, I am ruminating upon our trust in doctors. My daughter was just prescribed eyeglasses, and described how much better she could see when she walked outside wearing them for the first time.

I instantly recalled doing the same, only I wasn’t in my twenties; I was in fifth grade. The trees had leaves and bark. The sidewalks had cracks. Brick homes had mortar lines. I could go on. It was quite miraculous. The only downer was that in his office five minutes before the miraculous panorama, my doctor said I would be blind when I was old. It was not the best thing to say in front of an already anxious fifth grader.

As an adult, I realize he may have not had time to work on his bedside manner, or maybe he didn’t realize I was listening. But ultimately, he fitted me with glasses that opened up the entire world to me.

We place our faith in doctors, and faith is what it takes, because doctors are human and fallible, but they’ve studied hard and invested years of their lives in learning to diagnose our maladies, treat our symptoms, and help us heal. So, thanks to the doctors! They may not know everything, but they know a lot, and I am so very grateful they do.

Have you had cause to be grateful for a doctor?

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