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Day 309

Mallory, Claire, and Eric in the mountains

Day 309: If I said remember, remember, the fifth of November, what would come to mind? Would you think “Is that Voting Day?” Or “Isn’t that from that V for Vendetta movie?” In our family, it means that it is my son-in-law’s birthday! We can never forget Eric!

Eric is an amazing father to our eldest granddaughter and a wonderful husband to our eldest daughter. He is also smart (finishing law school in the Spring) and artistic (plays the piano by ear, plays the guitar, and draws/paints) and has become an artisan baker in the last year. We love him and are so grateful he is part of our family, and love it when we get to sample his latest baking creation.

For everyone who is not aware it’s Eric’s birthday, they are most likely remembering that today is Guy Fawkes Day, or Gunpowder Day. It is an interesting subject to ruminate upon.

Among the unsettling verses my mom taught us, like Ring Around the Rosie and London Bridge, was a short line she’d say come November. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and plot. I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.” Quite like I didn’t know Ring around the Rosie was about the plague, and Humpty Dumpty was about a war cannon, I had no idea why we were supposed to remember the 5th of November, but it fell off the tongue in perfect rhythm for jumping rope.

In 1605, when King James the 1st was trying to rid England of Catholics, Fawkes led a group of Catholics in conspiring to blow up the House of Lords with 36 barrels of gunpowder his group had secretly stowed beneath Parliament. Their plot was discovered on November 5th, and Guy Fawkes was caught, tortured until he confessed, and then put to death.

How is the day celebrated? With fireworks and bonfires, of course. I mean, 36 barrels of gunpowder pretty much call for fireworks. The day was first celebrated because the plot had been foiled and the government had been saved, but in modern day, Guy Fawkes is a symbol of rebellion, uprising, or anarchy, extolling the warning of governments who control with fear.

Whatever you remember on November fifth, we’ll remember Eric, for he should never be forgot! #momscompanytowels

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