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Day 306

Why can't beef stew be used as a password? Because it isn't stroganoff.

Day 306: “Who’s there?” An eerie question. In two words, we feel unease, uncertainty, and perhaps even fear. That is how Shakespeare grabbed his audience’s attention. It is the opening line of Hamlet, asked by guards standing at the watch. How often in a scary movie do we hear someone ask “Who’s there?” or “Who is it?” Or “What’s the password?”

From the opening lines of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to unlocking our iPhones with our faces, passwords have become a common constant in our daily lives. It seems no matter the era, we humans have felt compelled to peek through the hole in the door and demand identification before letting someone pass into our inner sanctum. Now we need an app to organize our many passwords, and of course, it requires a password, too.

Mom would be surprised at the password-protected society of the present. She rarely locked a door, “because the neighbors wouldn’t be able to get in if they needed to, Dear.”

When I had to choose my first password, Mom suggested “A password should be a word you cannot ever forget. I would go with a food. Try PEANUT BUTTER.” Oh, Mom. You knew me too well.

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