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Day 292

I'm in the mood to do something Octobery, like carve a pumpkin, or let someone with a chainsaw chase me through a cornfield.

Day 292: How old were you when you decided you either liked being scared, or hated it? It is an Octobery kind of realization.

This morning I asked a student if he was going to do something Octobery this weekend. He answered, “Oh, yeah! I’m in the mood to do something Octobery, like carve a pumpkin, or let someone with a chainsaw chase me through a cornfield.”

What?? I had to quote him. My family would laugh at this, because they know I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS go through a creepy cornfield of my own free will and choice. Never. I went through a spook alley in Victoria B.C. on a high school trip, and when a ghoul jumped out at me, I decked him. With my fist. Right in the face. At that moment, I realized I do not love being surprised by scary people. I apologized to the ghoul, but still. Best not to let that happen ever again.

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