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Day 290

Everything works better if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

Day 290: I unplugged for a few days, and like the rest of this week’s theme, there were realizations to be realized. The biggest? I’m in a good place - for me. Life is never perfect, but I feel like I’m muddling through relatively well at this moment. It was a nice realization. The second biggest? This phone in my hand is what I make it.

Earlier this year, I had a “Come to Jesus” talk with all things on-line. I went through my phone, app by app, keeping the ones that were useful tools that made my life easier, and deleting the ones that weren’t worthy of my time.

I went through my e-library and deleted the books I would never physically carry into the church or the temple.

I sifted through social media, and only kept following those who uplift and inspire me. It left so much more room to make contact with loved ones I never get to see in person and catch up with dear friends.

There was a little voice that said “Trying to create your own utopia by ignoring the world isn’t very realistic.” I quickly told that little voice to shut it, because the world and all its woes is always there. I can watch the news. I’m not sticking my head in the sand. But I don’t have to subject myself to what the world wants to feed me through my phone.

I have essentially reconfigured my social media to be a tool for keeping in touch with my friends' lives, for connecting with my family who are scattered across the world, and sharing daily life with my kids and grandkids so I don’t miss out on any of their cuteness.

Like I said, this phone in my hand is what I make it.

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