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Day 285

Have you taken a moment to relish in the colors? The crunch under your feet? The satisfying thwack thwack thwack of the rake as you gather the leaves? It is time for some leaf jumping!

Day 285: The weather is changing. The harvest is wrapping up. I don’t think Fall will last as long as I was hoping it would before it ushers Winter up the aisle to its icy throne.

Have you taken a moment to relish in the colors? The crunch under your feet? The satisfying thwack thwack thwack of the rake as you gather the leaves? It is time for some leaf jumping while the leaf jumping is good! If it’s too late for leaf jumping, it’s all good. I’m told spiders really love big piles of leaves, too. #momscompanytowels #leafjumping #notreadyforwinter #watchoutforspiders

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