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Day 284

Tater Tot is short for Potato Toddler. This makes me pause when tossing them into the fryer, but only for a second.

Day 284: Mom was almost 6 months pregnant with me when she found out I wasn’t the flu. All through the Spud Harvest she felt ill, so after the harvest ended, she went to the doctor to see why she couldn’t shake the flu. That’s when the doctor told her. It would have been a terrible shock, when your youngest child is ten years old, to find out you’re having another.

Perhaps this is why I have always had a fascination with Spud Harvest. It has always been how my story began. It was the harbinger of my existence.

When my son, Taylor, was little, we called him Taylor Tot and Tater tot, but I guess you could say I was the original family Tater Tot!

Thanks, Mom, for keeping it together!

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