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Day 281

If eating loaded baked potatoes is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Day 281: Both of my parents graduated from Shelley High School in Shelley, Idaho. For those of you not up on your Idaho folklore, Shelley is the home of the Russets, where they celebrate “Spud Days” every September. There are parades, cook-offs, races, and a Miss Russet pageant. If you’re willing to stand in line, you can get a free baked potato with all the trimmings.

Idaho russets are famous the world over for both baking and frying. It’s all chalked up to the rich volcanic soil, the mountain rainfall irrigation, and the ideal climate.

We returned to Shelley for these festivities every year when I was young. It was tradition; a tradition I haven’t kept. Next year, I’m determined to make a trip to Idaho during Spud Days, just so that I can get a grown-up perspective of the event. I also kinda want to see if they still have those potato lapel pins, because I remember those being super cool. Mom and Dad would totally approve of this excursion, I am sure - returning to my roots, you might say.

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