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Day 280

Where's Grandpa?

Day 280: Sawyer and Oliver are spending the day with me, and we are watching Conference so we can play our version of “Where’s Waldo?” We call it “Where’s Grandpa?” It happens during every song. They are getting really good at it! Last year, Ollie thought Grandpa looked just like President Uchtdorf, so we had a lot of false identifications. This year, they’ve nailed it every time.

And if you haven’t heard, the women of the church were challenged to take a ten-day break from social media. It just so happens that for the first time all year, I am exactly ten days ahead in writing Mom’s Company Towels. Coincidence? I don’t think so. I’m scheduling them to show up on their own each day, just so I can complete my challenge, but if it seems automated and impersonal, please forgive me, and then call me and we can talk in person! There’s an idea! I hope you have a wonderful ten days! #momscompanytowels #wheresgrandpa #tendays #socialmediabreak

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