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Day 278

Haunt it up!

Day 278: Friday FrightDay!! So, yesterday, when I got home from work, I parked in the driveway and began walking into the house, when I heard a loud roaring sound coming from the garage. Mine was the only car in the driveway. No one else was home yet and I couldn’t think who would be making that racket.

I unlocked the front door, turned off the alarm, and headed to the garage door in the kitchen. I could still hear the sound. For all of you who know that I am the biggest chicken on the planet, you also know that it was a big deal that I didn’t just leave the house until David got home.

Instead, I unlocked the door, opened it a crack, and surmised that the lights were still off, and there was definitely some kind of machinery running loudly in the dark.

I took a deep breath, pushed 9 and 1 on my cell phone, you know, to speed up the process in case I needed to call 9-1-1, and turned on the lights.

Nothing looked out of place, and I would know, because David is a bit OCD about his garage. The sound was coming from the wall-mounted shop vac. It was running at full speed.

I reached out and touched the motor. It was really hot, which told my Sherlock Holmes senses that it had been running a long time. I looked everywhere to see if something had fallen off the wall and hit the rocker switch. But there was nothing out of place. Nothing.

I then came to the conclusion that a creature must have leapt through the garage and inadvertently hit the rocker switch. OR, we are being haunted by a tidy ghost who likes to vacuum.

I returned to the kitchen to text David and alert him to the mystery, and when I opened my phone, this photo a friend had posted on Facebook was on my screen. I stopped breathing.

I may not live in the Philippines, but I don’t feel like I can live far enough away from whatever this is to ever feel safe again.

This thing could totally turn on my shop vac if it wanted to.

I normally come unglued at the sight of a regular ol’ Utah bat. I can’t even begin to explain the horrification that ran through my veins. This was way too big for 9-1-1.

I am now hoping my garage is haunted.

Please let there be a ghost. Please let there be a ghost. PLEASE let there be a ghost.

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