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Day 271

Grandma and Granddaughter at Balloon Up wall in California Adventure.

Day 271: Another thing I would’ve called my mom to discuss . . .

It’s been twenty-two years since my mother died. My daughter, Mallory, was just one year old. Now, Mallory’s daughter, Claire, is a two-year-old.

Even after 22 years, I still have the urge to pick up the phone to call her and say “I understand why you put everything aside to spend time with your grandchildren. Every time they came to see you. Every single time. You would open the toy drawer, or open a book, or open the pantry, and go about playing, reading, and cooking with them.

I get it, Mom. Being a grandma is the best thing ever. And those moments are as fleeting as a helium balloon. Before you know it, they’re floating off to other adventures.

Thank you for teaching me to recognize the moments.

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