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Day 266

If a picture is worth a thousand words, an example is worth a million.

Day 266: I can’t imagine life without . . . the good examples the Lord has placed in my life.

Examples speak louder than words. Saint Francis of Assisi said “Preach the gospel, and when necessary, use words.”

Aren’t we all more receptive to being shown, than to being told? People don’t care what we say. They care what we do. If a picture is worth a thousand words, an example is worth a million.

I spent the last week with my grandchildren, who remind me that they watch and copy everything we do. We are setting examples as constantly as we respond to the examples of others.

In writing workshops, I have learned the phrase “Show. Don’t tell.” If a writer is telling the reader how to feel or what to think, rather than showing them with examples, they’re doing it wrong. The reader should feel the emotion or come to the understanding on their own.

It seems examples speak louder than words, even when in the written word. There’s a bit of irony there if you think about it long enough.

Today, I am feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for the examples in my life who have spoken loud and clear.

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