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Day 265

Home is My Happy Place

Day 265: I can’t imagine life without . . . a home filled with unconditional love.

Earlier this week I mentioned that I have a few happy places. Well, we are home from a trip, and being away reminded me that Home is one of my happiest places! Even with the mountain of luggage laundry to do, it feels so good to be home again.

My mother made our childhood home such a comforting place for me that I recreated much of what she’d done as the Home for one of my main characters. I embellished a bit to make it hers, and not just a carbon copy of mine, but I wanted her to have that feeling - the feeling that no matter where you are in this world, there is a place you belong, filled with unconditional love. I want that feeling for you, too.

The good thing about it is that you can create it for yourself if it doesn’t now exist for you. Sometimes it’s a person. Sometimes it’s a place. Sometimes it has to be the happy place inside your heart. Wherever it is located, claim it as Home, and fill it with unconditional love. For yourself. Because you deserve it.

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