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Day 253

You gotta hustle for your happiness.

Day 253: My daughter had this sentiment displayed on her letter board the other day, and I promptly copied her words, because they spoke the truth.

Happiness does not come knocking on our doors or falling into our laps. Realistically, 99% of the time we have to hustle to make happiness happen.

My mother knew how to hustle. She was a firm believer in hard work. She woke me up SO EARLY in the summer so that I could weed a row of the garden before it got hot outside. You may think one row is ridiculously easy, but you should have seen this garden. When people use the expression “they’ve got a hard row to hoe” they were referring to my mother’s garden.

But to make it a bit more fun, she would always order a surprise packet of seeds for me. As they grew, they usually turned out to be wildflowers, but one year it was a crop of the funkiest gourds we had ever seen.

Mom knew how to hustle for her happiness . . . and make it fun along the way. #momscompanytowels #gottahustleforyourhappiness #momsgarden #ahardrowtohoe

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