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Day 238

Back to Reality. Self-compassion is important. Reality is hard. We need to cut ourselves a break. It's okay to focus on the good memories. Sure, we know nobody is perfect. We know our childhoods weren't perfect. But that's what makes the good memories so sweet. They hold momentary perfection. A glimpse of happiness. A hint of heaven. And that's reality, too.

Day 238: This week we went Back to Normal, Back to Back, Back to Square One, Back to School, Back to Bed, and Back to Nature. To wrap up the back-to, my thoughts this morning are going Back to Reality.

I love reminiscing my way down Memory Lane and sharing those good memories with you and passing them down to the next generations so they won’t be forgotten. That’s the whole reason I challenged myself to do this, but life isn’t made up entirely of wonderful memories, is it?

The reality of my mother’s life is that she endured ill-health and died too early.

The reality of my brother’s life is that a disease that wasn’t yet understood by doctors twenty years ago trapped his mind in an unresponsive body and robbed his young family of their father.

The reality of this life is that we fall, we fail, we break, we lose, we grieve, we ail, we hurt, and we ache amidst those better times that are so much easier to dwell upon.

In my own very unscientific findings, I think our brains compassionately highlight the good memories in order to outshine the hard memories so brightly that they’re left in the shadows of our memory.

That self-compassion is important. Reality is hard. We need to cut ourselves a break. It’s okay to focus on the good memories. Sure, we know nobody is perfect. We know our childhoods weren’t perfect. But that’s what makes the good memories so sweet. They hold momentary perfection. A glimpse of happiness. A hint of heaven. And that’s reality, too. #momscompanytowels #backtoreality #selfcompassion #rememberthegooddays

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