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Day 235

Welcome back to school! We are all enrolled. Every day of life holds a lesson to be learned and an education to be had. We just need to pay attention.

Day 235: It is Back to School week for many school districts. The yellow school buses are on the roads and kids are crossing at the crosswalks with their sharp new backpacks full of what I can only imagine to be all the cool school supplies I secretly itch to buy, even though I don't have kids' backpacks to fill anymore.

Our oldest grandson, Sawyer, is starting kindergarten this fall, and our second grandson, Landon, will begin pre-school. At the other end of the education cycle we will have three college graduates donning caps and gowns this year. Just as we usher them into the realms of the diploma carriers, Sawyer and Landon will begin. But, of course, education starts at birth. Sawyer and Landon already have years of life school tucked under their belts. And just because those three graduates will get handed a degree, they won't really be finished learning, either.

My parents were only handed high school diplomas before a war and marriage and life happened, yet they were two of the smartest people I knew. They never stopped learning.

We're all enrolled in the school of life. Every day of life holds a lesson to be learned and an education to be had, if we're paying attention. That means it is only fitting to say to all of us, "Welcome back to school, y'all!" It is also only fitting that I go ahead and pick up some of those awesome school supplies. They might come in handy in class.

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