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Day 234

Failure may send you back to square one but it sends you with the wisdom to win the game.

The writing community has recently been sharing their rejections with the hashtag #ShareYourRejections. The stories weave through learning experiences and failures and gaining the understanding that not everyone will like what you wrote or offer to publish your work. Not to bask in other people's hardships, but for a fledgling writer like me, it is reassuring to hear that everyone has challenges.

My wise mother faced her share of rejections and failures. I remember her quoting Winston Churchill when he said "Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." She did that well - staying enthusiastic and learning from the stumbling. The members of the group Paramore weren't yet born when Mom was listening to the radio, but I love what their lead singer, Hayley Williams, said: "Sometimes it takes a really good fall to know where you stand." True, Hayley. My mom would have approved.

Failure may send you back to square one, but it sends you with the wisdom to win the game. Failure is an opportunity in disguise, and rejection is simply an invitation to revise.

Failure is an opportunity in disguise and rejection is simply an invitation to revise.
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