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Day 228

Hannalei Bay, Kauai

Day 228: The Aloha Spirit is alive and well in Kauai. People are chill here. Nobody seems to care about staying in the lines when parking. They stop for you if you’re waiting to cross the road on foot. When they merge in front of you, they hang a Shaka (hang loose) out the window. They’re happy to give directions to their favorite beach or their favorite food truck. The businesses open when it’s convenient and only stay open as long as necessary. Like I said. Chill.

Did you know that the Hawaii Archipelago is the most remote island chain in the world? It is located more than 1,000 miles away from the next country (Kiribati) and more than 2,000 miles away from the nearest continent (North America). It is the northern most point of the Polynesian triangle and the only part in the northern hemisphere. They are SERIOUSLY isolated in the middle of the Pacific. Next week, on August 21, they’ll celebrate their 59th year as a state. That’s teen-aged in state years.

Kauai Business Hours. Anuenue Cafe.

Maybe that’s why they’re not in a hurry. Island Time is a real thing. That’s why I waited until I was finished at the beach before writing this post. Because we would all do well to adopt the Aloha Spirit. #momscompanytowels #getawayweek #thealohaspirit

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