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Day 218

Minty memories are the best memories. Red and white peppermints

Day 218: I’m overrun with memories lately, so when I noticed that today is National Fresh Breath Day I had to laugh. My mother absolutely adored peppermints. My dad did, too. So when I was creating one of my characters, I gave her a love of peppermints. Jocelyn’s seemingly constant state of minty-fresh breath boggled Riley, who couldn’t figure out how she managed it until he saw her apothecary jar of mints. She explained that she loved the mints because her father loved the mints. They held good memories for her.

In a round-about way, my mint memories became Jocelyn’s mint memories, which become Riley’s mint memories.

My mother would agree that minty memories are the best memories. #momscompanytowels #mintmemories #nationalfreshbreathday

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