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Day 216

Ain't no hood like grandmahood.

Day 216: Last night we spent quality time with our kids and grandkids watching a backyard movie under the stars! It was a comedy of errors, due to intermittent thunder showers. We began under the stars. Then someone yelled, “Wait! I felt a drop!” And then everyone ran to the covered patio. Luckily, the projector was projecting from the patio onto a huge white sheet, so the movie could be watched from either side. Everyone got comfortable on the patio, and then the rain stopped. So we all went back to the grassy side of the screen. What did we learn from the grandkids during this teeter-totter movie? To be adaptable. They were having fun no matter where they sat. In fact, I think they had MORE fun running around in the rain than actually watching the movie.

Events don’t have to go as planned to be considered successful. If the grandkids are all trying to sit on your lap at the same time, then this grandma gives the night two thumbs up! #momscompanytowels #grandmawisdom #movienight #beadaptable

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