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Day 215

Grandma wisdom. Life is too short to spend it sitting in a draft. Grandma Zenna

I can't let the Wisdom of Grandmothers Week go by without a quote from my mother-in-law, who was THE grandmother to my children. She just left us to join our heavenly family members last September, and her absence still stings. My husband will reach for his phone to call her. A lump still forms in my throat when I see her name on a recipe or I gaze at one of her paintings. Something every one of her descendants learned from her, and quotes in every restaurant situation, is this bit of wisdom . . . DO NOT SIT IN A DRAFT.

I'm thinking about that, because the air conditioning is working incredibly well in my office today, and it actually feels a bit chilly. She would have absolutely hated it. She would have quickly relocated to another room and wrapped up in a blanket.

The last time she felt well enough to come down to our home and stay with us, she spent the majority of her visit sitting on the patio outside our kitchen, where sat directly in the sunshine. It felt so good to her. She would smile and turn her face toward the sun and let it warm her up.

She had no patience with the drafty seats in restaurants. It was a common occurrence to be relocated by the wait staff at least once. And that's okay, because she had it right. There's just no need to sit in a draft.

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