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Day 212

Some moments require cookies

Day 212: It’s the last day of July! How did that happen? How does time go so quickly? The only time I am able to upset the space-time continuum is when I’m dieting. Then, mysteriously, the clock slowwwwwws dowwwwwn. Perhaps the secret to living forever is to always diet. Of course that begs the question, why live forever if you’re always dieting? That sounds like the definition of hell. Seriously. Perpetually on a diet? I’d rather let the clock tick tick on its way.

My Grandma Vernie lived in a house of wonders. She had a clock that ticked very loudly and bonged on the hour. I was always very aware of the seconds when I stood close to her clock. It was a lot like dieting.

Her doorknobs were made of glass. My cousins and I would slide our hand up the door until the doorknob was between our fingers and we’d pretend we were wearing a gigantic diamond ring.

The desk drawer in the kitchen contained all kinds of old-fashioned ink wells and fountain pens and paper. If you were polite, you could sit at the desk and practice adding curlicues to your name.

I don’t know if she was a baker in her younger years, but in her elder years when I knew her, she was NOT a baker, but she did always have the ingredients for Rice Krispie treats. She insisted they had to have peanuts or M&Ms in them if they were going to be any good. And Grandma had a COOKIE DRAWER. An entire kitchen drawer dedicated to “store-bought” cookies. All of her grandchildren knew about the drawer. Mystic Mints were her favorite.

Even though there was a drawer full of cookies, we weren’t to act like barbarians. We could choose two or three cookies, place them on a plate, and climb up on the high stools at the kitchen bar to eat them. I don’t ever remember dunking cookies in milk at her house. Perhaps that was barbaric.

The point is, even my very mannerly grandmother knew that a person couldn’t be expected to diet all the time. Some moments require cookies. We can always slow down the clock tomorrow. #MomsCompanyTowels #GrandmaWisdom #somemomentsrequirecookies

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