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Day 203

It only takes a little extra to turn ordinary into extraordinary. #extraordinary #averageandextraordinary #extra

Day 203: They say the only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little “extra” tacked on at the beginning.

I am a Word Nerd, which I credit/blame on my mother. She was always answering my endless childhood questions, often pointing to the dictionary for definitions and etymology (origin) of the words I was going on about. It was wondrous to me that a word could be dissected into parts, and that the beginnings and endings of those words could be interchanged, completely changing their meaning.

Did I teach my children how to use a dictionary? I’m not sure. By the time they were old enough to think about words, there was AUTOCORRECT. Letting them rely on SIRI and Alexa was a disservice. That was not “the little extra” my mother would have expended. Mom fail on my part. Hopefully, I managed to sneak a word or two into their vocabulary every once in while.

Isn’t it the same with most of life? We let modern conveniences do an ordinary job for us, when with just a “little extra” effort expended at the beginning, we could turn that ordinary job into something extraordinary.

Here’s to expending a “little extra” because extraordinary is better than ordinary. The dictionary says so, right there in black and white.

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