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Day 198

Updated: Jul 20, 2018

Isn't it extraordinary that communication which began by carving a picture on a cave wall, has evolved to posting a picture on a virtual wall? #World. #Fullcircle. #Facewithtearsofjoy. #extraordinary #quote #writiingonthewall #fullcircle

I'm sensing a theme! This may be the week of Average and Extraordinary! Today is the fifth annual WORLD Emoji Day, when we celebrate the average little cartoon characters that have grown to encompass the modern expression of emotion. Why today? Because the emoji for "calendar" is the calendar page for July 17.

In the emoji list of usage statistics, I am happy to see that the Number One Emoji in the U.S. is "face with tears of joy." I think we're saying something there. As with all emoji transmissions, I'm not EXACTLY sure what we're saying, since the use of emojis is fraught with misinterpretation, but faces with tears of joy are definitely positive responses, so GOOD FOR US!

Isn't it extraordinary that communication which began by carving a picture on a cave wall, has evolved to posting a picture on a virtual wall? We've come full circle. What's the emoji for that?

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