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Day 184

Live like halfway doesn't exist

Day 184: Yesterday I pinned a big ol’ notice to the towel about it being HALF WAY through the year. We’re all pretty tuned into the calendar, so I’m sure it wasn’t a big shocker to see it in writing, but most of the time we don’t get the HALFWAY notice, do we?

My mom’s halfway year was at age 34 and a half. She didn’t even give birth to me until she was 38. If she had known she was past halfway, would she have reconsidered me? That’s not actually a fair question, because I was a surprise, but in the larger scope of her thirties, she would never have thought she was halfway at 34. It’s not reasonable. There was no notice.

I haven’t received a notice, either. It would be reasonable to think I would, by now. If this line of thinking is my subconscious giving me a NOTICE, then I’ll make it to 106. That’s probably reaching a bit, which means I’ve passed my HALFWAY mark without realizing it, just like my mom did.

Until the medical sciences can pinpoint our HALFWAY marks, I don’t think any of us can rely on getting a notice.

Instead, we will do what my mother did. Live. Live every moment we’ve got. Live like halfway doesn’t exist.

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