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Day 183

Happy Half Way Day! Half over? Half Left? It's for you to decide.

Day 183: Half Way. I hesitate to point this out, but we are HALF WAY today. Half way through 2018. That means I am half way to meeting this slightly overzealous goal I set for myself — posting something daily that my mother would’ve considered towel worthy in celebration of what would’ve been her 90th year. HALF WAY. How do you feel about being HALF WAY through the year? Are you a half-glass-full or half-glass-empty kind of person? Hmm, I’m half way in between the two. Don’t judge. I already admitted to being indecisive. Remember? “I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not so sure.” The problem has come up before. This week will be a study in HALF WAY, and by Friday maybe I’ll be able to come to a firm decision on the matter. In the meantime, Happy Half Year Over OR Happy Half Year left, whichever you prefer. #MomsCompanyTowels #HalfwayWeek

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