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Day 182

The earth laughs in flowers. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 182: My mother loved little purple pansies. They were always growing in the flower bed closest to the back door. She said they reminded her of the Primary refrain “Little purple pansies dressed in yellow gold, growing in one corner of our garden old. They are very tiny, but must try, try, try, just one spot to gladden you and I.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “The world laughs in flowers,” which my mother fully believed. “Every happy blossom is a testament of God’s love for us,” she’d say.

So, the next time you see a field of wildflowers or a carefully landscaped array of blooms, listen for the laughter, because they’re try, try, trying to gladden the day for you. #MomsCompanyTowels #TheWorldLaughsInFlowers #LittlePurplePansies #EachBloomTestifiesOfHisLove #LaughterWeek

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