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Day 178

What kind of animal wears sunglasses? A solar bear. Happy #nationalsunglassesday

Day 178: There are weeks I plan ahead and know what the theme will be, and other weeks when I go with the flow, but this week seems to have manifested its own theme! We’re laughing this week.

I feel good about laughter. My mom did, too. She was always reading an Erma Bombeck book, because they made her laugh, and when she watched TV, she would always choose a comedy. It was the funny cartoon she would snip from the back of a magazine or out of the newspaper that most often appeared on the bathroom towels. Some of them were insightful or ironic, but most were just plain funny.

Today is also National Sunglasses Day, so I think a sunglasses joke is in order. Here goes:

What kind of animal wears sunglasses?

A solar bear.

Come on. Mom would’ve laughed. 😎

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