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Day 177

Laughter is the best medicine

Day 177: This morning began with a near-death experience. There was a car accident slowing traffic on the way to work and the driver behind me wasn’t paying attention. He slammed on his brakes so hard that he skidded sideways right up to my bumper, but he didn’t hit me. The adrenaline you hear about in those situations flooded through me, and after almost crying about it, I found myself laughing as I finished the drive to work . . . like REALLY laughing hard . . . like tears running down my face laughing . . . like can’t catch my breath laughing. I think I was so ecstatic that I didn’t get accordianed between two cars that my body sent all that extra post-traumatic-near-miss-see-my-life-pass-before-my-eyes adrenaline right out of my mouth to ricochet off the interior of my car. I laughed so hard my abs hurt. Yes. I have abs. They may be comfortably cushioned, but there are muscles under there, and I laughed so hard, they got a workout. I wouldn’t suggest slamming on your brakes to see if the driver behind you is paying attention so you can experience the same laughter, but I do suggest doing something today that reminds you you’ve survived so far. Mom used to say laughter was the best medicine, and I dare say she was right. #MomsCompanyTowels #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine

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