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Day 176

Happy Leon Day (That's Noel backward) Congratulations. You have six months of shopping left before Christmas. Let's celebrate with some towel-worthy backward jokes.

Day 176: They call today Leon Day. Why? Because LEON is NOEL spelled backward. It’s like the dance we had in high school called MORP (PROM backward) or the town in the middle of Utah named LEVAN (NAVEL backward.) Levan - where Utah’s lint gathers. Sorry, Levan, I’m sure that’s not your official town motto.

My mom loved to laugh. She believed it was good for the soul. The majority of items she pinned to the guest towels were jokes from the “funny pages” of the Post Register. In honor, here are some backward jokes that would’ve ended up on a towel.

Q: What happens when you play a country song backward? A: You get back your wife, your dog, and your truck.

Another . . .

Q: Why shouldn’t you spell “Part A” backwards? A: It’s a trap.

Sorry. Too easy. Another?

Q: What do you call 100 rabbits walking backward? A: A receding hare line.

Again, sorry. One more . . .

Q: What is heavy forward and not backward? A: Ton

Okay, I’m finished. Enjoy LEON Day, and remember that you only have six months of Christmas shopping left. That’s no joke.

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