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Day 175

Shut the Front Door! Don't let your light leak out into the night.

Day 175: Yesterday I mentioned that we’d replaced the lock set on our front door. The old latch had stopped latching, letting the door blow open with every strong gust. As we worked on the door, we noticed that the weather-stripping was shot, too. A noticeable draft could be felt, a shard of light could be seen from the outside as it leaked into the night, and the occasional creepy-crawly had discovered the gap and used it to join the household. So, late last night, we replaced the weather-stripping, too. Now we need to repaint, but that’s a slippery slope that leads to more home improvement projects for another day.

There are things we can do to fortify our physical homes against the dangers of the world. We can switch to a motion-activated light, because light scares away the dark. We can place a camera on the porch to identify intruders. We can install alarm systems that will call for help when we’re in trouble.

Metaphorically, we can fortify our family front door to do the very same things: scare away the darkness, identify intruders, and install systems that will call for help. In fact, we spend most of our time with lock sets that will protect our family.

But what do we do personally to fortify our own front doors? How do we make fortifications in a family home when our personal front door has been left susceptible to the dangers of the world? Do we feel the drafts? Are the creepy-crawlies sneaking in? Is our light leaking out into the night? These are the questions I asked myself as I wedged weather-stripping into the grooves. I feel some drafts in myself. It’s time to fortify my own front door against the dangers and stop my light from leaking out into the night. Will it lead to other self-improvement projects? Inevitably, it will. #MomsCompanyTowels #ShutTheFrontDoor #TimeForSomeFortification #DontLetYourLightLeakIntoTheNight

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