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Day 174

Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine. Snow White

Day 174: It’s a sunshiny Smatterday! For those of you who weren’t around in January when I unveiled my dweeby definitions, Smatterday is a day when humans attempt to accomplish an unrealistic smattering of tasks, and today has been no different! We replaced the lock set on our front door, did maintenance on the RV, went to the pharmacy and the hardware store, did some laundry, paid some bills, and retrieved a lost set of keys. Sure, it wasn’t the most life-altering lineup of events, but we got a lot done and had fun doing it.

Sometimes you’ve gotta be your own sunshine, and sometimes you’ve gotta shine for someone else who is having a cloudy-with-a-chance-of-rain kind of day. My mother spent the majority of her life emitting sunshine for those around her, and all those rays gave her a sunny disposition that combatted her own clouds. Scatter sunshine everywhere you go, people. Shine on! #MomsCompanyTowels #MakeYourOwnSunshine #ScatterSunshine #SmatterdayIsASpecialDay

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