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Day 173

Hello, Sunshine!

Day 173: I’ve been talking about Sunshine and positivity this week, and today is no different. It’s a sunny day here, and I’m spending it with the Sunshine of my Life. (Did you feel a disturbance in the force just now?) That was my husband’s epic eye roll at being called “Sunshine.” But basking in the sunshine is his happy place. He loves to garden in the sunshine and grow things in the sunshine and be in the water in the sunshine, whether it’s in a lake or the ocean. He will never run low on Vitamin D. Even after 32 years of marriage, and five years of dating before that, I’m still kinda partial to him and his sunshiny ways. I think I’ll call him “Sunshine” the rest of the day and see what happens. 😎 #MomsCompanyTowels #SunshineOfMyLife #SunPlusWaterEqualsHappyHusband #SunshineLooksGoodOnYou

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