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Day 165

The best gift I ever received was the example set by my parents.

Day 165: It is Thanksday of my Week of Dad. I’m very aware of the fact that not everyone was blessed with an awesome father, so I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the mother and father I had.

My dad was not my pal. He didn’t take me camping or to concerts (like my good husband does with his kids) but in his own way, he was present and protective and approachable. He killed the spiders. He left a light on at night to combat my fears, and he scraped the ice off my car windows. He taught me how to feed a calf and drive a tractor. Most importantly, he taught me by his quiet example how to love a spouse and how to love children unconditionally.

He cared for my mother with diligence and all-encompassing love through many years of hardship. While I watched. While I learned. The best gift I ever received was the example set by my parents. #MomsCompanyTowels #aGoodExampleOfAGoodExample

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