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Day 163

YOU OK? I should've told you I was stopping. Horse humor.

Day 163: Today is Towelsday in my TowelWorld, and it’s also Fathers Week, which means I am pinning something to Mom’s company towels that she TOTALLY would have pinned to her real towels for my dad, who got a kick out of horses. Pun intended.

My dad LOVED horses from his youngest moments. He even hid his church clothes on three successive Sundays so he could go riding after everyone left for church. My Grandma figured it out on the third try, and made him go to church in his regular clothes. It’s a wonder he grew up to be such a religious man!

In his elder years, he had Shetland ponies in our pasture that pulled a green buggy. He so loved that buggy and those horses! The one thing I could give my dad for Christmas that I knew he would like (really like - not just pretend to like - see yesterday’s towel for an explanation) was a new horse calendar.

My dad would have laughed at this photo. I remember him saying “Do you know what is the hardest part of learning to ride a horse?” And when I shook my head, waiting for the punchline, he would say “The ground! Get it? Because when you fall off a horse, you’re gonna land hard.”

Thanks, Dad. Good one. He also taught us to flatten our palms when feeding a horse an apple so they wouldn’t nibble on our fingers and to never ever walk behind a horse, or we’d get kicked. Good advice for us all.

Every time I saw my dad hitching a horse to the buggy, I watched as he quietly explained - to the horse - what he was doing. It must have calmed them to hear his steady voice, because they always stood very still and listened.

Come to think of it, that’s the way he parented, too. In a calm steady voice, with lots of instruction. #MomsCompanyTowels #HorseHumor #DadLovedHorses #WhereAreYourChurchClothesYoungMan #IHopeThereAreHorsesInHeaven

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