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Day 155

The Birthday Wish Loophole: Why must wishes be kept secret for them to come true?

Day 155: The Birthday Wish Loophole

My husband’s birthday is this week, but he has always ascertained that it should be a month-long celebration, so June is his birthday month, along with quite a few other people in our family - and all the world’s population who were also born in June. Happy birthday to you all!

Birthday months have got me thinking about wishes. My mother was big on birthday celebrations. She tried to make everyone feel special and remembered, either with a favorite cake or a favorite dinner, or a gift that was specifically chosen. One year, we went to the Sugar Shell (a long-gone cake supply store) for supplies and Mom bought a package of birthday candles that kept relighting after they were blown out. She was absolutely delighted by them, saying they provided “unlimited wishes!”

She also attested to the truth of the warning that those wishes could not be uttered aloud, or they would automatically be nullified. You had to keep them to yourself if you wanted them to come true.

I always wondered about that loophole. Why not blurt out whatever it is that we hope for?Do we keep our wishes secret so that when they don’t come true we don’t look like fools? Or is there really magic in keeping wishes secret? Maybe I’ll get my husband to proclaim his wish during his birthday month and see what happens. And I better pick up some of those magic candles. I’m thinking he may make a lot of wishes during his birthday month. #MomsCompanyTowels #birthdaymonth #candlewishes #ifwisheswerefishes

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