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Day 151


Day 151: What a strange day! The end of the month is the signal for me to send out the mass email newsletter I compile for our ward. It was ready to go, I sent it on my lunch break, and immediately forgot about it, mainly because I went home a bit early to hang out with two of my grandsons while their parents went to a wedding. While I was snuggling with my two-year-old grandson, I opened my email app to see if the newsletter had arrived in my IN BOX. I was surprised to see that a couple of the sections had shifted weirdly and were no longer aligned. My grandson noticed my dismay and asked “What’s happening?”

I showed him the images on my phone and said, “See that? It shifted over there where it isn’t supposed to be.”

He followed my finger, studied the picture, and said “Yeah. Sometimes shift happens.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the similarity to a common saying, but I stopped immediately because my two-year-old grandson would NOT get the underlying joke.

But, isn’t he right? Today I’m saying goodbye to perfection, because even when you think you’ve done a good job, shift happens. #MomsCompanyTowels #ShiftHappens #WhoNeedsPerfection

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