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Day 146

Memorials with One Date

Day 146: Last night we went swimming with our two sons and their families. We had four of our grandkids there. We were missing our little Claire, who is in DC with her parents for the summer, but I kept feeling like we were missing another little one. That happens sometimes. The kids will be playing and I’ll look at them all and then search for one more. I think that’s because our little William is near.

May is Anencephaly Awareness month, which is what caused William to be better off in heaven than here with us.

Today, my husband and I woke early and Made the Rounds for Memorial Day. We started with our brother-in-law Bill in Springville, then drove up to Lehi for our niece-in-law Shelby, and then to Salem for William.

This is baby William’s very first Memorial Day. His headstone was just placed at the cemetery last week.

His parents chose a beautiful headstone to stand as his marker of life. There is only one date on his headstone. One. There is no dash from birth to death. And boy, are we grateful for that one date. We are grateful for the 90 minutes he was with us. We are grateful he is forever part of our family. And I am grateful for the moments when I feel like he’s near, running around with his brothers and his cousins, if only in spirit for now.

We will continue to gather at his marker often, but especially on Memorial Day, because his one date deserves a lifetime of remembrances until we can all be together again. #MomsCompanyTowels #AngelBoysAmongUs #Memorials

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